Now you have a lawyer on speed dial.

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Lawyer just a phone call away

Why spend days, weeks or months waiting
to speak to a lawyer.Do not panic, get legal
advice NOW.

Civil, Criminal, Labour and Family Law

Access to our Legal Library


Why do I need Law-On-Call?

Telephonic Legal Advice

Expert legal advice is just a phone call away.

  • Civil Law Challenges – Contracts, insurance, consumer disputes
  • Criminal Law – Bail or when criminal charges are laid against you
  • Labour Law – Unfair dismissal, employment contracts
  • Family Law – Divorce, maintenance, custody, will disputes

Through the legal library you can access:

  • Basic Last Will and Testaments
  • Employment Contracts
  • Contracts of Sale
  • Rental Agreements
  • Debt acknowledgement


Why do I need Law-On-Call?

•With Law-On-Call Legal you’ll have access to the legal experts you need to help with your complex civil, labour and family legal matters.

How do I know that I can trust my lawyer?

•All services are rendered by qualified legal advisors

When can I speak to the lawyer?

Legal assistance is 24/7.

Have a query? Get in touch.